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How essential oils help you release emotions

Writer's picture:  Nicky Howard Nicky Howard

Intuartiv Expression is great way of connecting to and expressing emotions buried deep within us. The soul communicates through imagery and painting in this way we indeed connect to our soul and allow it to communicate in the way it knows how.

Using Doterra essential oils helps release these emotions. Why these oils in particular? Being of a high vibration, they are able to work at the spiritual and emotional levels, unlike high street essential oils (even organic) which work at solely the physical level.

Remember this type of painting is concerned with the end results, but on the process, the process of allowing emotions to come up, to be expressed. It isn’t about interpreting or judging the end  result, but allowing it to be as it is, the way it was expressed.

On a blank paper I wrote the beliefs that I wanted to release ( all around self worth) and drew symbols which, to me, represented those. I put some Gesso on a plate and intuitively chose Doterra Forgive oil (!) to add to the Gesso, and painted it over the beliefs.  As I did, the tears began to roll, and words came out, forgiving those who gave me those beliefs, and forgiving myself for taking them on as mine. Tears flowed as I watched the beliefs disappear. With a drop of Forgive in my hands, I covered my heart chakra and sent a prayer of forgiveness to myself. Then came the next layers, with Doterra oils which I picked intuitively) of Frankincense (letting go of false truth, lower vibrations,), Wild Orange (abundance) and Black Pepper (omg Black Pepper is about letting go of beliefs and learning to love yourself!, releasing buried emotions!). I found myself painting the infinity symbol.

Infinity symbol

Remember this type of painting is not concerned with the end results, but on the process, the process of allowing emotions to come up, to be expressed. It isn’t about interpreting or judging the end  result, but allowing it to be as it is, the way it was expressed. Once finished, the urge came to draw a cross within a circle, similar to a medicine Wheel used by the native Indians. During self Reiki sessions I have found my upper body swaying and drawing this symbol in the movement, so I guess I intuitively use it for healing.

Medicine wheel

The DoTerra oils I intuitively picked out  (I picked them with my eyes closed!) were ZenGest (digesting emotions), Grapefruit (accepting your body as you are), marjoram (restores trust and connection, releases the fear of rejection),  and Spikenard (oil of gratitude, and allowing one to accept the abundance that is around them, letting go of victim mentality). Each section was painted using a different oil. It is such a powerful experience painting with essential oils.

  • the oils chosen intuitively are incredibly revealing in the emotions (I refer to the book Emotions and Essential Oils from Enlightened Healing)

  • the colours chosen intuitively are also incredibly communicative (relating back to chakras, and emotions)

  • As you paint, the scent of the oil is incredible, helping you to release emotions as you create

  • the vibration of the oil (DoTerra oils have an incredibly high vibration. As I held Rose oil for example for the first time, i could feel the vibration through the bottle, amazing), stays in the paint and will continually be released. Hanging the resulting artwork in your room will continue to heal you through its vibration

  • the oils help release and unblock your emotions so that the creative process is even stronger

  • Essentials oils stimulate the limbic part of the brain associated with emotions and memory, once again helping you to paint from an emotional level

  • it makes the whole process of painting an incredible experience

Next time you paint, have a go with using your oils, even just one ( but choose them eyes closed for added fun!!) To find out more about painting intuitively just click here for the oils and here for more information about the oils.

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