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Align your life with Emotiv Boards


What are Emotiv Boards?

I'm quite sure that you've heard of vision boards, and maybe you've made at least one in your life, if not more. 

Having made a few in my time ,as well as followed courses on them, I found they just never sat right with me, they felt "off", too material, physical based and they seemed to lack something, something more spiritual, or energetic. Over time an idea began to grow in my mind, and that idea became a seed and then it was birthed. And that is Emotiv boards.

Emotiv Boards revolutionise the concept of vision boards by tapping into the heart, intuition, vibration, energy, and emotions. Unlike traditional vision boards, Emotiv Boards tap into the energy and emotions rather than purely physical, and empower you to step into your true self. Instead of seeking external manifestations, Emotiv Boards draw to you what is already within you, allowing you to embrace your authentic essence. Traditional vision boards have you believing that manifesting is on the outside, that everything you want is out there, to be worked towards, whereas Emotiv Boards help you to see that everything you desire within you and that manifesting starts from within.


Traditional vision boards often rely purely on material desires and I have found that with this come  drawbacks.

  • On low or negative days, they can magnify feelings of inadequacy or unfulfilled, emphasising what hasn't been achieved or obtained.

  • Even when you manifest what's on the board, there can be a continuous desire for more, leading to the creation of new boards and perpetually chasing the next dream, tapping into consumerism

  • Traditional vision boards tend to focus on what you think you want rather than what truly aligns with your individual path.

  • ​

Emotiv Boards however allow you to connect with your true authentic self,  and are profoundly different from traditional vision boards. Rooted in emotion, energy, and vibration, they have the power to instantly uplift your mood and so elevate your energetic state. When you look at your Emotiv Board, it brings a sense of joy and positivity, resonating with the emotions and vibrations associated with how you would like to see your life . 

What sets Emotiv Boards apart is that they do not represent an unattainable future state, they instead represent what is within you, your true essence and souls desire.


Emotiv Boards:

  • Are energetically and emotionally based

  • They raise your vibration to that of your soul's desire

  • They may simply be a mass of colours, not necessarily images of people, places, situations

  • ​There is no end point, rather an ever unfolding vibration

  • As you align to the emotion and energy, it allows manifestion of what is already meant for you at soul level

  • Emotiv Boards allow you to be in the flow rather than working towards goals


Does this resonate with you?

Watch this space to find out about my 12 step course that takes you from where you are to where you want to be, through art journaling to release beliefs on the way and align your energy to your board. This course is not only designed to help you create your Emotiv Board, it's also there to open you up to your own creativity  in a fun way.

8 Joumard, 16420 Saint Christophe, France

WhatsApp +33 (0)669782788

©Nicky Howard 2023

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