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Nicky Howard

Unlock your Potential

Image by Christopher Campbell

If you are here, it isn't by chance.

Uplift your life, release the blocks and live the life you were always meant to live, through personal development, creativity and emotional clearing.

  • Gain clarity on your path

  • Release what's stopping you from moving forward

  • Open up to your innate creativity

  • Turn to positivity, joy, trust and belief

  • Turn away from fear, anxiety, stress and negativity



I'm Nicky, I've been where you are, I've lived in fear, been lost in my direction, unsure of who I was; going from working as a biochemist in the UK, far away from the person I truly was, to living my childhood dream in France as a therapeutic and healing artist, energy healer, going under the guise of a coach, facilitator, mentor, space holder, connector and light bearer.

I'm here to open you up to your truest potential, to guide you to your path through shifting what takes you away from it through Emotion Code healing, therapeutic and conscious creating and a host of other modalities and tools at my disposition.

I am also here, for those living in France to gain confidence and release blocks speaking French as well as living their best life in France. Having lived in France for over 20 years and been deeply involved with French life and culture for over 40 years as well as speaking fluent French, I am here to guide you.

Welcome back to YOU.

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