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Emotion Code

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 I had a session with Nicky last week and it was amazing. I could feel the emotion blocks actually being lifted. I was so calm and for the next few days and there have already been automatic changes in my thinking and decision making. Things in my life have already shifted this week. I can’t wait to see what’s to come. M.S.

"I am so blessed to have been able to experience the Emotion code and distance healing - It absolutely blew my mind as to how you could connect to my energy, heal my inner pain as well as my physical (my knee had just given in - due to my root/base chakra being blocked)."

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Nicky you made such a huge profound difference. You were instrumental in my change of perception from denial and anger into acceptance and the view that this could truly be a gift not a curse. You helped me step off the victim hood merry go round. I am at peace with it now. It's becoming more a part of who I am now rather than something to hate and despise and to get rid of. There is a lesson in all of this and I'm ready to learn it now thanks to youTop of Form



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8 Joumard, 16420 Saint Christophe, France

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©Nicky Howard 2023

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