À propos de moi

Créateur d'IntuARTiv Expression
Artiste intuitif autodidacte
Praticienne certifiée Code des émotions
Maître enseignant Reiki
Coach d'expression émotionnelle et IntuARTiv
Coach en anglais
Défenseur du bien-être de Doterra
Agréé Praticienne Aromatouch
I'm Nicky, and much like you, I’ve been faced with numerous crossroads, been through doubts and fears about my direction and traversed an incredible journey that took me on countless twists and turns, which lead me to finding me, the true, aligned me, a heart-driven creator, who is passionate about personal development, nature, all things magical.
I now live deep in rural France with my husband, 14 cats, 5 ducks and 3 colonies of bees on the edge of our Enchanted woodland, a magical place that inspires my creativity, awakens the hedge witch within and connects me to Mother Earth.
But this isn’t how it has always been!
After completing my studies, I embarked on an 8-year stint as a biochemist in various medical and research labs across the UK, I hated every moment of it but it taught me profound lessons about life, science, the human body, and perhaps most importantly, clarity on what truly doesn't resonate with me.
My teen years saw my bedroom being a life size vision board with my obsession to move to France which finally happened in 2001 along with my then French husband and 2 daughters when we move to Nantes. It was here that I became an English language coach for the French, a true passion for 12 years but through which a new life was bubbling under the surface; one to live my creativity and passion for helping others.
Just prior to lockdown I was guided by the Divine to give up my cherished French dream and return to the UK, parting with everything I held dear—my two daughters, my cat, my home, and my role as a language coach. This period was where I met my current husband, and my divine partner, and shortly thereafter, found myself back in France moving in and later marrying him.
Those years from 2001 to 2020 etched my spiritual path, with Reiki showing me the way. During that time, not long after being attuned to Reiki, an awakening within, I what I refer to as my dark night of the soul, I was faced with financial turmoil, which was the biggest growth period of my life and one I am thankful for. In the midst of this hardship, a whisper from deep within assured me that there was a grander purpose behind these trials. This period stripped away my ego, my material possessions, and instilled in me the power of gratitude, faith, and giving up control. I took a deep journey of self-discovery, became an Emotion Code Practitioner in 2016 and reawakened my passion for creativity and its profound healing properties. These experiences have shaped the person I am today and equipped me with a rich toolbox to assist you on your journey.
2021, marked the true birth of Intuartiv Expression, from a seed that had been planted back in 2018. Over the course of two years, I have guided and trained over 60 individuals as facilitators and coaches from all over the world in this transformative practice. 2021, marked the true birth of Intuartiv Expression, from a seed that had been planted back in 2018. Over the course of two years, I have guided and trained over 60 individuals as facilitators and coaches from all over the world in this transformative practice.
During this time I also developed my own creative style, one of magic and enchantment, influenced by forests and woodlands and am now living my dream selling my creations in a variety of shops in the Charente.